Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Our Christmas
So Santa came early to our house this year. Josh is out of town on Christmas so Monday was our Christmas. We had a great time and by 9 my kids were full of sugar and candy. It is always funny to see which toys the kids will like the most. Caden's favorite(s) were the two remote control cars he got. One plays this awful music which he loves to play over and over and over again. (you think the people over at the toy company have kids too and would pick better sound effects) Micaela has several favorite things this year: her tooth brush (very good because of all the sugar), a Dora backpack (so she can fill it full of all her toys) and lip smackers chap stick (I have gotten tired of her getting mine and ruining it so she has her very own now. The pack came with three so any given moment she has one it each hand.) Josh got some fun power tools which he has already used. I got clothes which was all I wanted. After three kids things just don't fit the same so I needed some new clothes.

Caden with one of his cars
Micaela enjoying her new backpack
And her chap stick
Caden with one of his cars
Handy Manny!
I guess we have been watching this show too much because we decided to tackle a project of our own. We decided to start painting our house. We have several after this one but we started with Caden's room. The first color we picked was on a blue paint strip but was a lavendar on the wall--not good. So we took it back to get it fixed so it would be blue. Here are some pictures to document our first big (and very permanent) house project...
Getting ready..

Very blue...
Getting ready..
Very blue...
Of course Caden had to help paint his own room. (it was hard for him to understand that although he has excellent painting skills with finger paint this is a little different.)
Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas should be every day!
So I was thinking about Christmas and have decided it should be every day or at least once a week. My reasoning behind this is good. For the past couple weeks I have been able to use Santa to get me children to behave. I tell hem Santa will not bring toys or candy unless they stop fighting (I am sure this is a common practice in most homes) and a miracle happens--they are good! So that is reason one. The next one is Christmas eve you tell your kids that Santa will not come until they go to bed so instead of having your children screaming and crying about going to bed another miracle happens--they are excited to go to sleep.
If only these bribing techniques worked year round...
If only these bribing techniques worked year round...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Dangerous Job
So this happened a long time ago but the picture has been on Josh's phone. Here is want happened to Josh when he went to catch somebody on the job. He is not sure if it was do to his huge Maglite flash light or the elbow of the guy Josh tackled to the ground. However it happened I wanted it fixed quick.

Monday, December 8, 2008
I love newborns but I also love when they start to smile. Kenzie is starting to smile and I was lucky enough to get it on camera. Of course Micaela wanted her picture take too. (Caden was at school so no pictures of him.)
Look at those big blue eyes..

She is thinking about smiling for me...

Look at those big blue eyes..
My girls. They get along for the most part except when Micaela steals Kenzie's blanket in the car...
She is thinking about smiling for me...
Micaela 2, Sharma 17
Micaela had her 2nd birthday on Nov 26 and Sharma turned 17 the same day. While Sharma was visiting we celebrated their birthdays and had cake. Micaela got another baby doll and a play cell phone (but she still prefers mine). Sharma got some socks for work (fun I know).
Here is their cake..

Caden helping Micaela open her presents!
Here is their cake..
Caden helping Micaela open her presents!
Wow I have been slacking at putting up new posts. A lot has happened since my last post so I will try to get everyone updated. On Nov 23 we blessed Kenzie and were able to have some friends and family come down for that. It was great to see everyone. Here are a couple pictures we took. My sister took most of the pictures but we don't have them yet so here is what we have...
The Mumfords

Mommy and Kenzie
The Mumfords
Josh's Aunt Martha and Uncle Howard
Mommy and Kenzie
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Our new arrival
We finally had our third baby! It turned out Janeen was right--it was a baby girl. We named her Kenzie Eldredge (I know no middle name, that was Josh). She weighted 8 lbs 14 oz and was 21 inches long. She was by far our biggest baby yet and hopefully the biggest if there are any future children. She made her grand enterance at 6:12 am on Oct 15. The labor nice and short--only two hours from the first contraction to her being born. My prayers were answered because we did make it to the hospital but of course not in time for any medication (I was already a 10 when we got there). The doctor did miss the delivery; he showed up about 5 minutes too late but the nurses did a great job. I think Josh had fun driving, he got to go 100 or so on the freeway. One of my sisters said she was glad I got to the hospital but it would have made a better story if I had had her in the car. If it is true that each additional labor gets shorter than it may be the case with the next one. Caden and Micaela love her and want to hold and touch her all the time. Micaela is having a harder time adjusting I think because she is getting into everything and knows just how to upset Josh and me. Here are some pictures of Kenzie and everyone else. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Little Progress
Well I had another dr's appointment and I am now at 3 1/2 cm. Hopefully it will not be much longer....
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
It's almost Time!
Today I went to my ob appt and had my group b strep test done and got checked for any progress. My problem is I have had too much progress--I am already almost a 3, about 70% effaced(how is that spelled??) and the dr could feel the baby's head. This would have been great news if I was already 37 weeks but at 36 it is not to good. So now I get to sit here all day and stare at all the boxes sitting in my house and do nothing. Normally having unpacked boxes would not bother me but knowing I can't do anything about it is sort of annoying. Hopefully I make it till Tuesday so I will be 37 weeks until then I am allowed to be lazy(the last time I get to enjoy that for a long time)!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Work Party
So about a week ago Josh had a work party that we went to. It was lots of fun and there were a lot of things for the kids to do. They had a little train ride, a blow up jump house, face painting and of course a pinata. They also had mexican hot dogs (which consist of a bacon wrapped hot dog topped with beans, grilled onions, and pico de gallo), mexican tacos (which are my favorite!) and smoked chicken. They also had shaved ice which Caden loved! He would wonder off and when we would go find him he would be at the shaved ice station getting another one. I think he got about 6 just by himself. Although we did have a good time I go soooo many mosquito bites! I think I counted 30 total! We are in the desert! There are not supposed to be mosquitos here. Here are some pictures from the event.
Here is Micaela riding the train. She loved it an ended up riding it several more times.

So when we first got there Caden was really grouchy so Micaela was having fun on the train, this is what Caden was doing...

That was until he discovered shaved ice!

The local Fire Fighters came out and sprayed everyone down with their hose.

And Caden loved it! He was soaked!
Here is Micaela riding the train. She loved it an ended up riding it several more times.

So when we first got there Caden was really grouchy so Micaela was having fun on the train, this is what Caden was doing...

That was until he discovered shaved ice!

The local Fire Fighters came out and sprayed everyone down with their hose.

And Caden loved it! He was soaked!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
So I have been having these weird dreams during this pregnancy that I deliver my baby either at home or in the car. Once we move we will be about 45 mins away from the hospital so my anxiety level is fairly high. So today at my appointment I told my Dr about my concerns hoping he would just say that I could have a scheduled induction but that was not the reply. He told me to bring Josh in to one of my appointments so he could tell him how to deliver the baby if he needs too. Great! That was the exact answer I wanted. Hopefully we will not have to resort to that but we shall see...
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Our First House!
So finally we are getting a house! If everything goes as plan we should get our keys on Sept 26th. We are very excited! Here are some pictures we recently took...

The living room area

The kitchen!! (Janeen's favorite room of the house! And it has brand new appliances! No more 20 year old apartment appliances!)

Dining area

The living room area

The kitchen!! (Janeen's favorite room of the house! And it has brand new appliances! No more 20 year old apartment appliances!)

Dining area

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