Friday, October 15, 2010

Corbin is here!

Corbin Woolley
Born 10/13/2010
Time: 3:15 am
Weight: 9 lbs
Lenght: 20 1/2 inches

The story: I woke up at 1:49 with a contraction. I had another one 3 minutes later so I woke up Josh to leave for the hospital. We left at 2 am and went over 100 mph the whole time to the hospital. When we got there I was at 9 cm. They wheeled me into the delivery room where my water broke. The nurses got me all ready to deliver and the doctor got there. I pushed for a while and didn't know why he would not come out. Finally when he came out we found out why I had to work so hard. He was sunny side up and 9 lbs. So I set a new record. Labor and deliver under 1 1/2 hours. If I can't get medication I might as well go fast. He is doing great and I am good, just some sore abs from pushing so hard. I do have popped blood vessels all over my face that are not so pretty.


Julie said...

Congrats! I'm so glad you made it to the hospital in time!

Jenni Johansen said...

Wow, Janeen!!! What a story!!! I am so glad you made it and didn't get a ticket either!

Beth said...

Oh my goodness Janeen! I can't believe it! I remember sitting at Texas Steakhouse and you telling me about your SUPER fast labors- it's crazy! Congratulations.

Sabrina said...

You didn't mention the 100 MPH part when I talked to you yesterday. No wonder you made it on time. I am so glad you did. Sounds like a close call, but I am so happy everything turned out so well.

Jen said...

Congrats! He's such a cute baby! I love the chubby cheeks!

It's good to hear the story--I was wondering if it was another super fast delivery for you! I love how your 2nd contraction in a row, you wake Josh to leave! I think that's what I will have to do for a 3rd--since my labors keep getting shorter too. And we'll probably switch to a closer hospital.

Swain Family said...

You are AMAZING! :) Yeah! for making it to the hospital! :) Congrats! I'm glad he made it and things are good! Can't wait to meet him! :)

The Murdocks said...

I didn't even know you were pregnant again! Congrats!